Sök stipendium till klimatseminarium i Darmstadt 13–17 oktober 2014
The Climate Symposium in Darmstadt, Germany – 13-17 October 2014. 5 travel grants Dear all! Eusja has an invitation to
Fortsätt läsaThe Climate Symposium in Darmstadt, Germany – 13-17 October 2014. 5 travel grants Dear all! Eusja has an invitation to
Fortsätt läsaFalling Walls Conference Berlin, November 8-9, 10 slots. Deadline September 20 Dear all! Hope you had nice summer and now
Fortsätt läsaEuropean Health Forum Gastein continues its collaboration wuth EUSJA and invites 10 journalists to attend this very interesting event, to
Fortsätt läsaThe last week of September 2014 there will be a study trip for EUSJA members to visit some research centers
Fortsätt läsaDear media representative, with the ITER project making visible progress, we would like to invite you to see the construction
Fortsätt läsaThe Eusja board has decided to offer 3 scholarships each of 500 EUR for young science journalists who want to
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