Eusja inbjuder till studieresa till ITER i Cadarache, Frankrike

I am glad to announce that EUSJA has got 20 slots for its members to visit the ITER complex, the research fusion reactor in Cadarache near Aix-en-Provence in southern France. It will be a good opportunity to get news since a key milestone was achieved in August with the finalization of the Tokamak Complex basement slab and the construction has now started on the basement-level walls. Now there is a new phase of ITER construction. But there is yet a lot of scepticism towards the project. Thus science journalists have a good chance to look after it.

The dates for the trip to Cadarache are May 18-19 2015. I am sending you the preliminary programme. EUSJA has 20 slots what cover free accommodation for 2 nights in the hotel at Aix-en-Provence, meal and transfers to the venue and back to the hotel.

Preliminary programme:
Press trip to ITER
18-19 May 2015
ITER Headquarters, room tbd
Day 1
9:00 Opening by Michel Claessens, Head of Communication and External Relations
9:05 Robert Arnoux , ITER Communication
An overview of the ITER project
9:30 Carlos Alejaldre, Deputy Director-General
ITER – Safety Characteristics of the First Fusion Machine undergoing Full Nuclear License
10:15 Site tour (with Laurent Schmieder and Laurent Patisson)
12:00-13:30 Lunch at Canteen
13:30 Marc Henderson, Electron Cyclotron Section Leader
Why Fusion?
14:00 Daniel Allen, Aliier, USA
ITER and finances: friends or enemies?
Coffee break
14:30 A representative of the TB3 consortium
The challenge of building ITER
15:30 Meeting with Director-General Osamu Motojima
16:30 Visit of the Virtual Reality room
17:30 Meeting and interviews
18:00 Reception and dinner, Château de Cadarache
Day 2
9:00 Ken Blackler, Head of Assembly and Operations Division
ITER Assembly – the world’s largest puzzle
9:45 Guenter Janeschitz, ITER Project Engineer
ITER, DEMO and beyond
10:30 Manufacturing activities of ITER (video), with representatives of the 7 ITER Domestic Agencies
12:30 Lunch at ITER canteen
14:00 Visit to the Tore Supra Tokamak (CEA)
16:00 END

The detailed programme with all necessary instructions will be sent to the participants when we forward the list to Cadarache.
All applications must be sent via national associations, that is for Swedish participants to

Please write name, country, media, e-mail, mobile, passport details (there will be security access). The deadline is February 15.

I am glad to inform you also that Eusja has 10 slots for the Lindau meeting with Nobel Laureates (June-July). The call is coming soon.

Viola Egikova
Vice-president of Eusja