Delta i konferensen Fallng Walls i Berlin 8–9 november 2015

The Falling Walls Foundation offered 10 slots for EUSJA journalists to attend the Falling Walls Lab and Falling Walls Venture on 8 November and the Falling Walls Conference on 9 November. The Foundation would cover one night at the hotel from 8 to 9 November. The journalists must cover their travel. For applicants who would like to attend the conference, but do not need accommodation, could be provided, like the last year, some extra spots (depending of course on the number of places available at that time). Thus please notify if your member does not need the accomodation.

Intresserade mailar före 28 september.

Do not forget to write the name, association, media affilation, e-mail, mobile, passport datas (because of security access). Some additional info about the applicants is needed (professional skills, publications).

As usual we ask you to rank your candidates if there are more than one. You may always change the order in your list by the deadline, so do not wait till the last day please, send one by one.
More about the FWC –