Studieresa med Eusja till Estland 20–22 maj 2015

Den estniska föreningen för vetenskapsjournalistik tillsammans med Estniska forskningsrådet inbjuder 15 journalister från Eusjas medlemsföreningar till en studieresa med biodiversitet och klimat som tema den 20–22 maj 2015.

Biodiversity and Climate Change: A Study Trip to Estonia

The Estonian Association of Science Journalists and the Estonian Research Council are inviting up to fifteen science journalists
from EUSJA member associations to take part in a study trip to Estonia, from 20 to 22 May 2015, to learn about the high-level research on
biodiversity and climate change being done in this country.
With half of its land covered with forests, and a sea territory dotted with more than 1,500 islands, Estonia can boast of a strikingly abundant biodiversity.

On the three days of the trip, you will be meeting a number of outstanding Estonian ecologists and other environmental scientists, as well as experience Estonian nature first-hand on a visit to the wooded meadow of Laelatu, one of the most species-rich places in Europe.


Tuesday, 19 May: Arrival in Tallinn; Welcome Dinner
Wednesday, 20 May: Tallinn University; Tallinn University of Technology (presentations on the TUT’s research vessel Salme, cruising the Tallinn Bay)
Thursday, 21 May: visits to the Laelatu wooded meadow and the Tartu Observatory
Friday, 22 May: University of Tartu; Estonian University of Life Sciences; return to Tallinn
Saturday, 23 May: Departure (or start of the weekend in Estonia on your own!)

Accommodation for four nights (May 19–23), meals, and transportation during the trip will be covered by us, the organisers. You will be responsible for your travel expenses to and from Tallinn, including airport transfer. However, in case your association or media organisation is not able to pay for your travel, you are eligible to ask EUSJA to cover 50% of the cost of your plane tickets. Applications will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, depending on the availability of funds.


Please send your application via your national association,
för medlemmar i SMVJ till
by 2nd of March, 2015 In the application, you should include your name, e-mail address, and the media outlet that you work for.

For inquiries please contact:
Priit Ennet
The Estonian Association of Science
Phone 00372 5145608

Mer information finns på Eusjas webbsajt

Biodiversity and Climate Change: A Study Trip to Estonia