Sök stipendium till klimatseminarium i Darmstadt 13–17 oktober 2014
The Climate Symposium in Darmstadt, Germany – 13-17 October 2014. 5 travel grants
Dear all!
Eusja has an invitation to attend the Climate Symposium in Darmstadt. Sorry, the call is short, but the event is rather interesting. Science journalists will have a free access and all the possibilities for interviews. Also 5 science journalists will get travel grants. Note that the applications should be sent DIRECTLY to a given address -press@eumetsat.int . See below the description, links and e-mail for the applications.
And I am also looking for the applications to attend Falling Walls Conference. The call has been sent and the dealdine for FWC is October 1.
Kind regards,
Viola Egikova, vice-president Eusja.
The Climate Symposium in Darmstadt, Germany – 13-17 October 2014
The symposium will bring together scientists, decision makers and the world’s space agencies to discuss the current state of knowledge about the Earth’s climate and future climate monitoring priorities, in particular using satellites.
Home page:
The meeting is being organised by the World Climate Research Programme (http://www.wcrp-climate.org/) and EUMETSAT http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/index.html .
Entry to the symposium
Accredited journalists have free entry to the symposium. If you wish to be registered for the symposium and receive a press badge, please contact press@eumetsat.int using the subject “Climate Symposium EUSJA”.
We can also offer financial support to cover travel costs (flights and accommodation) for a maximum of five science journalists, on application. If you wish to apply for funding please make this clear when you apply to be registered and provide examples of relevant work. The deadline for funding applications is the 15 September 2014 and funding will be allocated on a case-by-case basis.
EUSJA – European Union of Science Journalists´Associations – är en paraplyorganisation för föreningar för vetenskapsjournalistik i 22 olika europeiska länder.
Nyheter och information om Eusjas aktiviteter finner ni på http://www.eusja.org